10 Fascinating Statistics On Mobile Users

Written by Cristina Radu
Published on Mar 6, 2014
Read time 2 min
Category App Development

Over half a billion mobile devices were added in 2013 and people are getting more and more attached to their devices. Check out below few interesting facts on mobile users.

phone on toilet48% of people say it’s acceptable to use your mobile device while on the toilet.

sleep with smartphone35% of people sleep with their mobile device next to their bed, to make sure they don’t miss calls, text messages or updates.

toiletsMore people in the world have mobile phones than toilets or toothbrushes.

bikini-waterproof90% of mobile phones in Japan are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower.

smartphone-during-date18% of people use their device during a date. Good luck on getting the second date!

socializingOn average, Americans spend 2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile device, twice the time spent eating and over a third of the time spent sleeping.

smartphones-interview9% of people check their mobile device during an interview. These are also part of the unemployed pool.

smartphones-food70% of people check their phones during a meal at least once a day.

Aldrin_Apollo_11_headYour mobile phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.

lost walletIt takes 26 hours for the average person to report a lost wallet, but only 68 minutes for them to report a lost phone.

I know I’ve been found guilty of checking Facebook notifications way too many times a day, this leading to deleting the Facebook app from my iPhone. What about you? Are you having a love affair with your smartphone?

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