A decade in the making. 10 takeaways in 10 years of Mobiversal
We’re celebrating 10 years of Mobiversal – that’s right, we’ve been in the app development business for a decade now! To mark this milestone, we wanted to take some time to reflect on how far we’ve come. It’s been a wild ride, and we’ve learned so much about what makes our clients successful.
We thought it would be fun to share some of the biggest takeaways from this decade with you! So grab your coffee or tea because reading is thirsty work, and let’s get started.
1. Set a mission statement
One of the most important things you can do for your business is to set a mission statement. It’s more than just words on paper – it should reflect who you are and what’s important to your company so that everyone in the organization will know how they’re contributing and where their efforts are directed. If you don’t have one yet, now might be a great time to make some tweaks or write something new! For us it was clear from the beginning: Our mission was and remains to be building apps that have a positive impact on people’s lives.
2. Define your values
Values are the guiding principles that you live by and want to share with your employees. They help define who you are as an organization, what’s important to you, and how you behave in different scenarios. In Mobiversal we have these strong values we adhere to: faith, humbleness, transparency, honesty, team friendship, work ethics, respect for each other, work/life balance.
“When you start a business, it’s paramount to define what your deep values are. Not others, not copied. YOUR values. And as long as you have strong values, it’s easy for you to define them and to live them; so you can partner with other co-founders or partners and employees that identify themselves with these values. The more alike these values are with the ones you team up with, the greater the chance of success and less stress for you as a founder or manager. In all these years our initial values followed me and guided my partners and me when we had disagreements, ups and downs, or tough times; we always had to come down to question what our initial deep values were? If you don’t define your values or principles, then it’s very hard to build a lasting and powerful organization and a motivated team. “
CEO, Alin Merches
3. Stay humble
The more humble and self-aware you are, the better prepared for all the business’ challenges. If your company has succeeded in its initial goals, don’t think that it is time to rest on your laurels because this could lead to complacency which usually leads to a downfall; but if there are new opportunities or challenges arise with our partners then we will use them as fuel.
“It takes humility to recognize that you are not the best at what you do and that you need the others around you to succeed. Without humility, pride will destroy every team and company. “
Flavius Saracut, Co-Founder of Mobiversal, CPO at Appointfix
4. Be patient
It takes a lot of time, money and work to build something that is worth celebrating. If you need to make changes or shifts in the company don’t be afraid; but do it intelligently by having time for reflection and introspection before making any rash decisions. Results will come, sometimes much later than expected. Measuring results is great, but experimenting is valuable too.
“In 2011, we started Mobiversal with no clients and with no salaries for us as founders. In 2015 we launched an MVP of Appointfix that was developed by an Android developer part-time. Now in 2021, we are almost 40 people in Mobiversal, and we have two products launched on the market. There are 20 people only in the Appointfix team; we serve 60,000 professionals and small businesses, with over 8,000 paying a monthly subscription. So we need the patience to build a business, and we need a lot of patience with those around us.”
Flavius Saracut, Co-Founder of Mobiversal, CPO at Appointfix
5. Grit is a must.
The definition of grit is to have a lot of determination and strength, which are both necessary for one’s success. It has been said that if you want something bad enough in life it will happen – but don’t just think about it happening; make it happen with hard work, despite the adversity encountered.
“Last year, the pandemic hit, and many of our users were in lockdown, but things got back on track. This year we feel pressure from big companies who are trying to recruit people from us, but I know one thing for sure. We are here for the long run, and we are here to build a company that will impact the lives of everyone who is part of it and the lives of people who use our products.“
Flavius Saracut, Co-Founder of Mobiversal, CPO at Appointfix
6. Embrace diversity
It may seem difficult, but it’s totally worth it, as the results are much better. And when you recruit, watch out for the right attitude, not just for the technical skills. Add some kindness to the cocktail.
Mobiversal is a company with people from all walks of life, different cultures and some of them have even grown as developers here after changing their career. It’s not just about bringing in diverse teams to the workplace; it also means being open-minded when communicating and working together on projects.
“When I came to Mobiversal I did not have a smartphone, although I came to develop android applications. Over the years as the android ecosystem evolved too, we have developed a lot from many points of view. We only started a few people and now we are a larger group of talented people. We started with little applications, but in the meantime, we created bigger and more complex apps for clients from all over the world. It was also a great decade for me with many challenges and achievements.”
Csaba Biro, Android developer
“My first and last job, becoming a partner, coming with joy at work, very good work-life balance.”
Adrian Cucerzan, Product Manager at FieldVibe
7. Create a culture of growing
Nurture a culture of growing both professional and personal, through various conferences and workshops, team buildings and other activities that implies collaboration and skills development. Investing in your employees’ growth is investing in your business development.
Mobiversal’s culture is one of growth, both personally and professionally, so that our employees can grow in all aspects of their life. Employee growth is part of our core values and we strongly believe in creating a friendly environment for each of us to grow and strive for excellence.
“Mobiversal it’s for me that place where I can grow as fast as I want to grow, where I can be what I want to be and where I feel as good as I want to feel. The most important thing I love here is that I’m not the only one feeling this.”
Vlad Santa, COO at Mobiversal
8. Take on the challenge
Don’t get shy when it comes to taking on a project that seems to be beyond your company’s capabilities. Have the courage to embrace new projects that will make you and your employees stretch their knowledge and skills.
Here at Mobiversal, we took on challenge after challenge just to make our clients’ ideas come true. When it comes down to it, our mission at Mobiversal is simple: we will do anything in our power to help you bring your app idea or business dream into reality.
9. See every experience as a lesson
If it’s good, iterate what you did and make it even better. Although some experiences may sting like failures, choose to see them as valuable lessons and see how learnings can be extracted from them so as to evolve. Celebrate success too, and do not underestimate the importance of luck/the context.
10. If you want to be the best, deliver the best
Respect your deadlines, be honest with your customers and always make sure that your services are top notch. From the very first contact to the last, treating the client with respect and professionalism is almost as important as the service you provide.
Thank you
We made this journey together and we want to say thank you!
“My dream for Mobiversal is to be a place that generates a very good company culture for the employees, that impacts their lives for the better. I want for all of our employees to grow here in all their life aspects: emotionally, financially and spiritually. Thank you for making this happen!
For our customers we want the same, we treat them as our partners: Either clients of the agency that we have built an app for in all these years, or users of Appointfix and FieldVibe, our two products so far, we want to change their lives and businesses for the better, helping them digitise processes and eliminate part of their daily stress.
We appreciate your trust in our services and products, we promise to get better and better.
Last but not least, my partners-co-founders – thank you a lot – you are my real support and together we move forward even in the periods when we face many challenges.”
CEO, Alin Merches