Representing Romania: Mobiversal at the Tel-Aviv DLD Innovation Festival
Mobiversal participated in this year’s edition of the DLD Tel-Aviv Innovation Festival, courtesy of our government’s internationalization program for Romanian economic operators.
The arrival day for the Mobiversal team saw them officially registering on-site, then visiting the beautiful landscapes of Tel-Aviv, street art and of course the breathtaking sea.
The festival
On the first day of the festival, Mobiversal took its place at its booth at 8 a.m. in the morning. The festival brought together people from all over the world, from Israelis to Asians, from Americans to Eastern Europeans.
Even though there were people from all around the globe, Mobiversal was the only Romanian company at the DLD Tel-Aviv Innovation Festival.
The festival was home to all sorts of technology-oriented companies: there were robots, CRM and ERP solutions, investment software, outsourcing companies, and some mobile-oriented companies, such as ourselves, with which we exchanged ideas and talked a bit about the current state of affairs within our domains of business.
The overall conclusions for the festival
Based on our experience and varied talks with people from 50 different companies, we noticed several, what we believe to be, relevant and interesting information, which we will provide below.
A small shift towards products
Talking to some companies who have a similar model to ours, meaning that they have the main agency and maybe one or two products of their own, we started to see a shift towards becoming more product-oriented as a company.
This is because products are easier to scale than an agency (who rents out workforce). Finding out this new direction of the market, straight from the horse’s mouth, validates our existing vision.
Where is mobile technology headed?
As we expected, from a technological standpoint, there is more and more need and desire for hybrid applications, built with React Native, Flutter or Xamarin.
An aspect that remained in our mind (that was further cemented by talking with other people involved with mobile development companies), is that there is a larger and larger need for such apps.
An eye-opener was a talk with the CTO of a flourishing company. Their product currently is web only, but they want to build a companion mobile app.
The main aspect of the talk revolved around how the CTO was against maintaining two codebases (one for iOS and one for Android), as it implies a lot of work for something that is not necessary.
Depending on the product and its underlying business logic, algorithms and needs and some in-depth technical analysis, we may find out that for their product, native is the way to go. But for many a product, hybrid applications might suffice.
On the other hand, our CTOs believe that hybrid apps do not provide enough of a stable framework for complex and rich applications, but this is a broad stroke. Depending on the technical and business complexities, you might get away with hybrid technologies, but in our opinion, native is still the way to go if you want a seamless and effortless experience.
The booths consisted mostly of delegations
The majority of booths belonged to large delegations from Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Austria, Slovakia, China, etc..
Mobiversal was the only company that represented our home-country, Romania, so this was an extra incentive for us to properly get in the role of ambassadors.
Some final stats on the festival
To our amazement, the festival has brought about:
- Over 9,020 conference participants, 4,500 were from abroad
- 101 delegations from countries all around the globe
- Over 232 National and International reporters and media
- Over 150 startup companies presented at the Startup Boulevard as well as countries who presented in the National Pavilion area
- Over 100 co events
- 150 speakers
- Over 814 startups
- Total Festival participants including the Urban Happening at Rothschild Blvd. attracted over 28,000 people.
Like we told the people that came at our booth: if you need help developing your product, mobile app, or just need consultancy on a few things, feel free to hit us up. We are happy to help 🙂