How Many Users Are Actually Using Health Apps?

Written by Cristina Radu
Published on Oct 2, 2013
Read time 2 min
Category App Development

Mobile has impacted so many aspects in our lives and health is one of them. But to see exactly how are US mobile users seeing health apps, we’ll look at a recent survey done by AYTM Market Research and cited by eMarketer. The results state that an overwhelming 60.2% of users never used a health app and around 25% using them just from time to time.

US health app users statistics

Of all respondents about 32% mentioned they are very concerned with health, 45% said they are somewhat concerned with health, 17% not very concerned, 6% not concerned at all. From the pool that are preoccupied with health, 44% have use health related applications.

types of mobile health apps

The most popular health apps are fitness apps 50.9%, general health with 50.3% followed by diet apps with 30.8%. Of those who have used health apps, only 10% stated they’ve seen these apps to have a big impact on their health, 57% said that health apps have somewhat impacted their overall health and almost a third said they don’t have an influence on their state.

In a recent report Juniper Research estimated the global cumulative healthcare cost-savings from mHealth monitoring to reach $36 Billion between 2013 and 2018. They also highlighted the structure of mHealth and mFitness industries.

juniper mhealth

These numbers come as both an encouragement about the potential mobile health apps have but also as an exclamation point that users are expecting to see real impact on their health.

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