Shelfster iPhone App
One more iPhone app is fresh out of the oven here at Mobiversal, this time for Shelfster. Shelfster is a free solution that allows you to capture information from everywhere and easily create online documents with all the gathered information at your fingertips. You don’t have to worry anymore that your ideas, collected data and sources of inspiration are lost or scattered in different places.
You can login in your online account and access them at any time, keep them organized or use them to create documents. Shelfster makes it easy to create a document by presenting you on the same page the items you’ve collected alongside the document you’re working on. You can also drag and drop images and text from your notes into the document. After you’ve created a document, you can print it, download it, export it to Google Docs, or share it with your peers and get feedback.
Shelfster has several free capturing tools for your desktop (Windows, Mac), browser (Chrome, Firefox, Bookmarklet) and smartphone (iPhone, Android, iPad).
The iPhone app we’ve just finished allows you to quickly capture notes, images(take pictures or choose from Camera roll), audio recordings, and save&send them in your Shelfster online account. The app is optimized for quick capturing, after choosing what you wanna capture you can save it directly, or choose a specific project and enter tags to better organize your stuff.
Shelfster mobile app also lets you access all your notes, wherever you have an internet connection.
You can use Shelfster on your mobile to gather information for a specific research project, for documenting a roadtrip, to record and save interviews, to quickly jot down notes, the possibilities are endless.
Let us know how you feel about it in comments.