The Portrait of the “Mobile Addict”
Mobile analytics company Flurry did an analysis to discover the profile of the “Mobile Addict”. They looked at 500,000 apps across 1.3B devices and saw that the average consumer launches apps 10 times per day, while the mobile addict launches apps 60 times per day.
In the past year, this segment has grown the fastest, with 123% year-over-year growth. In March of 2014, there were 176 million Mobile Addicts, up from 79 million in March of 2013.
Females are more addicted to apps then males, they over-index 8% compared to the average mobile user. The total mobile population studied by Flurry was 176 million, that means there are 15 million more mobile addicts among women than men.
When looking at age segments, teens, college students and middle-age parents rank on top positions as mobile addicts. Males and females in the Middle Age segment both had a preference for parenting and education apps, while teens obviously prefer games.
Flurry looked at data on mobile addicts in an effort to see which apps will work on the Wearables market. Users that launch apps over 60 times per day make good candidates for wearable devices. The categories that make the most of mobile addict users are teens, college students and middle-aged parents who are interested gaming, autos, sports and shopping, so developers should think about experiences that will delight them.