U.S. Mobile Subscriber Market Share
Published on
Oct 10, 2011
Read time
1 min
Business Strategy
ComScore recently released a report regarding the US mobile market. The total number of people in the US that owned smartphones during the three months ending in August was 84.5 million, up 10 percent from the preceding three month period.
Google Android ranked as the top smartphone platform with 43.7 percent market share, up 5.6 percentage points from the prior three-month period. Apple strengthened its #2 position, growing 0.7 percentage points to 27.3 percent of the smartphone market. RIM ranked third with 19.7 percent share, followed by Microsoft (5.7 percent) and Symbian (1.8 percent).
It will be interesting to see how it goes in the next period, considering the launch of iPhone 4S and Android powered Samsung Nexus Prime. RIM is also trying to strengthen market share with BlackBerry 7 devices, though they had the biggest loss in terms of market share, 5%.For the full report please checkout this link.