Our brand refresh for a new decade

For the past few months, we’ve been working on a refreshed brand identity that better captures our vision of building apps that improve people’s lives. Even though our previous logo and brand has served us well and was at the forefront of our values, we think that it’s time for a refresh.
Since 2011, Mobiversal has developed over 60 apps over a variety of business domains, while also focusing on creating our own, full-fledged products, Appointfix and FieldVibe. What sits at the cornerstone of our day to day engagement is the love and care we put into developing applications. From the initial contact with the client, all the way to publishing it in the app stores.
At the heart of what we do is the passion for everything mobile. Together with this, we also try to nurture a familial atmosphere. We try to help as much as we can other companies to grow their own products, while also developing ours.
In the last few years, we’ve honed our consultancy skills by helping individuals and companies better outline their objectives, be they product-wise, business-wise or others. That’s why we provide consulting packages for Business Analysis, UI/UX, strategy and others.
Community-wise, we try to be a part of it as much as we can. Some of our colleagues are people fresh from our home city’s college, who have participated in internships and who proved their potential, while also being a cultural fit to our startup-like atmosphere.
Last year and continuing this year, we’ll carry on with our teaching sessions for eager students who want to learn more about mobile app development, such as the wonderful and smart people at EduBiz.
EduBiz students with one of our Android developers, Pal Levente
Also, Mobiversal, as a founding company of Oradea Tech Hub, the technology hub of our city Oradea, engages and participates at conferences regarding the latest and greatest mobile technologies, educating and providing insights for people within the domain.
In order to do this, we have to always be at the top of our game, which is a win-win for everybody: we know the latest trends in mobile development, and the people that reach out to us in various forms learn the best things in mobile.
An Oradea Tech Hub presentation with the latest news in the eCommerce sector
On this note, we also just published a book about how to successfully develop a full-fledged mobile app, from the idea all the way to success.
We also strongly believe in supporting and nurturing the skills of our colleagues, while also creating strong bonds between our team members.
That’s why we try to organize team-buildings and meetings as much as we can, encouraging people to socialize, share ideas and give presentations on topics they like and feel confident in. Some of them also talk about topics that are out of their comfort zone, which encourages them to grow.
Mobiversal at our Mobi Meetup 2019, sharing ideas, holding presentations and having fun
Breaking up the individual parts of the logo
The most important aspect of our brand refresh effort was to update our logo, to better represent our experience and the values we believe in.
The M stands for, well, you guessed it, Mobiversal. We believed that it was imperious to keep the M within the logo, as it is one of the main identifying pillars of our company.
Not only does it provide the first letter of the firm, but it also finds its way within the app icon used for the logo, so as to illustrate the passion we put in developing apps.
The heart represents our focus on nurturing a comfy and cozy atmosphere for people to work in, our passion for mobile apps that make a difference but also the way colleagues learn and support each other, as a family.
The third and last element represents the app icon, which illustrates our mobile-first focus. Since founding the company, mobile has been our bread and butter, but we’re also keen on developing complementary software to an app such as landing pages, server-side and others.
All together get to form the new logo, which will be our new coat-of-arms going forward. A mixture of passion for mobile apps, love of craft and involvement with people and our community.
Going forward, we still believe that at the core, our mission is that of helping people, be it those that try to build a business and develop an app, those that try to learn the secrets of the craft or those that want to integrate our digital products within their business to ease their day-to-day activity.